Why FSSAI recommends to look for +F logo while buying food products?

Fortified Foods

FSSAI recommends looking for +F logo, denoting food product fortified with nutrients

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Food Safety & Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) recommends looking for +F logo while buying food products such as salt, milk, cooking oil etc.

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It is because +F logo symbolizes that the food product is fortified with nutrients for better health.

Here are some of the food products where you should look for +F logo while buying and what nutrients they are fortified with:

  • Cooking Oil: Added Vitamin A and D
  • Milk: Added Vitamin A and D
  • Salt: Iron and Iodine
  • Rice: Vitamin B12, Iron and Folic Acid
  • Wheat Flour: Vitamin B12, Iron and Folic Acid
Fortified Foods

So next time you buy any of the food packets listed above, FSSAI recommends looking for +F logo. If a packet has this logo, it means that the food is fortified with nutrients as mentioned above. These small changes in your food can result in healthier and stronger you!

(Based on a communication from FSSAI)