Understanding Heart Attack: Know the factors leading to a heart attack and what to do in case one occurs, cardiologist answers

Cardiac ailments and heart attacks are among the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. Unfortunately, individuals of South Asian ancestry, particularly from the Indian subcontinent, face heightened risks. Studies suggest that Indians experience heart attacks 10-15 years earlier than other races, often with more severity and involvement of multiple coronary vessels. Given these challenges and resource constraints, prevention must be our foremost strategy.
What Are the Risk Factors?
Understanding and managing risk factors are crucial in preventing heart diseases. Here are some significant ones to consider:
- Diabetes Mellitus: India is often termed the diabetic capital of the world. Even prediabetes is now treated proactively to manage risk.
- Hypertension: Keeping blood pressure levels below 130/80 is essential. Periodic 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring can help identify nocturnal hypertension and early morning surges in BP.
- Abnormal Lipid Profile: Lipid levels should be monitored, with attention given to guidelines from the Lipid Association of India (LAI).
- Obesity/Overweight: Childhood obesity often persists into adulthood, and visceral fat (pot belly) is especially hazardous.
- Physical Inactivity: Lack of exercise and increased screen time contribute to cardiac risks. A minimum of 30-45 minutes of exercise most days is recommended.
- Diet: Avoid caloric excess, carbohydrates, red meat, and processed foods. Focus on greens, salads, fruits, pulses, and legumes.
- Addition: Tobacco, excessive alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana should be strictly avoided.
- Lack of Adequate Sleep: 6-8 hours of sleep is essential, and sleep apnea should be investigated if present.
- Type A Personality: Overambitious individuals and those always on the run are at greater risk.
- Family History: A history of heart attacks or sudden unexplained deaths in the family are significant risk factors.
- Environmental Pollution: Microfine particles from polluted atmosphere can enter the bloodstream and contribute to coronary artery disease.
- Miscellaneous: Factors like depression, social distancing, and sexual dysfunction should not be neglected.
Men generally face a higher risk for certain conditions, which has often been attributed to hormonal differences. Women, on the other hand, are thought to be somewhat protected by their hormones, although this protection appears to diminish after menopause. For working women, the risk may increase due to the added stress of balancing work, household responsibilities, and child-rearing.
What to Do During a Heart Attack
Symptoms may not always be the classical chest pain radiating to the arm or back. It may present as a burning sensation in the stomach, faintness, or extreme weakness.
- Stop any activity and call for help.
- Consult your doctor immediately and avoid self-diagnosis.
- Loosen clothing, and check your blood pressure.
- Call for a cardiac ambulance.
Time is of the essence during a heart attack. The quicker the blocked vessel is opened, the less the damage. A hospital with a cardiac catheterization lab is the most ideal place for treatment.

Dr. Vijan welcomes your queries regarding heart health. Please send your inquiries to [email protected] with your name, age, gender, telephone number, and specific issue. Your questions will be forwarded to Dr. Vijan for responses as time and resources allow.
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