Pune University to start scientific training class for school students till Jan 2025, here’s how to register

scientific training class for school students
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Savitribai Phule Pune University’s Centre for Science Education & Communication offers scientific training classes for school students to enhance cognitive skills through experiential learning. Classes in Marathi, Hindi, English for grades 4-9, weekly till Jan 2025.

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The Centre for Science Education and Communication at Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) has arranged a scientific education course for schoolchildren. Through the use of experiential learning, the facility hopes to enhance children’s cognitive abilities and pique their interest in a positive way. One session will be held each week as part of this program, which will continue till January 2025.

As per the information given by the SPPU, in this activity, scientific concepts included in the school curriculum will be taught in various ways like interactive experiments, demonstrations, etc. The series of lectures would be for class 4 to 9 students starting from July 29. This initiative is being implemented till January 2025 and one class will be held every week. This class will be taught in Marathi, Hindi, and English. For more information and registration, the center has created a website:


Interested candidates can visit this website for more information and registration.