Pune: Rare Eurasian otter spotted in Pune for first time | Watch Video

Rare otter in Pune
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A rare Eurasian otter has been spotted for the first time during a rescue operation in the Indapur area of ​​Pune district. The operation, conducted by the Pune Forest Department and Rescue Charitable Trust, was launched immediately after receiving information about a civet trapped in a deep well, but after reaching the spot, the officials found this rare otter, which was never recorded in this area before.

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Local forest guards Milind Shinde, Anant Hukire, Shubham Kadu, and Shubham Dhaitonde, who reached the spot, and rescue team members Nachiket Avadhani, Prashant Kaulkar, and Dr. Shrikant Deshmukh evaluated the situation and made a rescue plan. They waited for about six hours using an auto-trap cage, until the otter went into the cage on its own. After rescuing him safely, he was sent for medical examination to the Wildlife Transit Treatment Centre at Bavdhan, Pune.

The discovery is a milestone for Pune district as it is the first time a Eurasian otter has been recorded here. Forest Conservator Mahadev Mohite, IFS, said, “This is an unprecedented sighting for Pune District. While smooth-coated otters were historically recorded decades ago, no Eurasian Otters have ever been documented here until now.”

Neha Panchamia, founder and president of Rescue Charitable Trust, shared on the otter’s care: “The otter is a male, sub-adult, currently housed in a secure enclosure equipped with a water body and ample hides to create a natural and comfortable habitat. We are monitoring him 24/7 remote vision cameras, and he has been observed to be active at night, feeding well and showing no visible signs of any major injury. A comprehensive medical assessment will be conducted after he has had time to acclimate, ensuring no underlying health conditions.”

The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) is one of the three otter species found in India. It is mainly found in clean, freshwater areas such as rivers and lakes and is sensitive to water pollution. It is nocturnal and solitary and plays an important role in maintaining environmental balance.