Pune: PCMC’s property tax collection reaches Rs 432 crore in the first quarter

Property tax of Rs. 432 crores was collected in the treasury of the Municipal Taxation and Tax Collection Department in the first quarter of the financial year. There are more than 6,30,000 registered properties in the city including residential, industrial, non-residential, mixed, vacant land, etc. This year, 54 percent of the taxpayers have availed the benefit of various concessions by paying property tax in the first quarter. As taxpayers consciously pay tax and take advantage of concessions, Commissioner and Administrator Shekhar Singh has thanked the conscious tax payers.
The tax collection department has implemented various measures for citizens to pay property tax. Through it, public awareness was spread to the tax payers in various ways regarding the concessions on property tax. Due to this, the citizens have preferred to pay their property tax in the first quarter after being informed about the discount. As a result of public awareness about the exemption, 54 percent of the total property owners paid property tax in the first quarter of the current financial year 2024-25.
73% of Taxpayers Paid Taxes Online
Out of the total property owners in the city, 3 lakh 57 thousand 11 property owners have paid tax of 432 crores, out of which 2 lakh 62 thousand 522 i.e. 73 percent property owners have availed the benefits by paying tax online.
Majority of Residential Property Owners Pay Property Tax
Like last year, this year also through the ‘Siddhi’ project implemented by the municipal corporation, about 400 women distributed bills to the property owners. The citizens have taken advantage of the concessions and paid the tax till June 30. Also the team performance of all the employees of the department has been successful in maintaining consistency in tax collection. Among the 17 zones of tax collection, Wakad has the highest number of 49 thousand 36 citizens paying 68 crores, while in Pimprinagar zone the least 3 thousand 982 property owners have paid only 3 crores. The highest 3 lakh 11 thousand 67 residential property owners have paid nearly 260 crores of tax, said Assistant Commissioner Nilesh Deshmukh.
Sincere Thanks to Conscious Taxpayers
All the responsible, honest and conscious tax payers of the city have availed the benefits of paying taxes in the first quarter this year as well. We sincerely thank all the conscious tax payers for that. By taking advantage of the various schemes announced by the department for the tax payers of the city and paying the tax, the tax payers contribute to the progress of the city. Citizens should contribute in the form of taxes for the progress of the city in the future as well.
- Shekhar Singh, Commissioner and Administrator, Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Consistent Tax Collection Due to Department’s Team Work
The tax collection department has implemented various innovative activities for tax collection since last year. This has created enthusiasm among the citizens in paying taxes, and citizens are taking the initiative to avail tax concessions by paying taxes in the first quarter. Due to this, the tax collection has crossed the mark of 400 crores this year like last year. Due to the team performance of innovative ideas and initiatives, we have been able to maintain consistency in tax collection and motivate citizens to pay taxes in the first quarter.
- Pradeep Jabhanle-Patil, Additional Commissioner, Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation
Citizens’ Positive Response to Department’s Innovative Initiatives
The tax collection department appealed to the citizens to take advantage of property tax concessions through public awareness, through SMS. Citizens responded positively to the appeal and preferred to pay taxes in the first quarter itself. Citizens have paid a large amount of tax in the first quarter of this year as well, due to the timely delivery of property tax concessions and the property tax bill. The distribution of bills under the project ‘Siddhi’ initiative by the tax collection department has played a significant role in this, and due to the initiatives taken by the department on every front, tax collection of 432 crores has been achieved this year. Citizens availed the benefits by paying taxes on time, for which we express our sincere gratitude.
- Nilesh Deshmukh, Assistant Commissioner, Pimpri-Chinchwad Municipal Corporation