Pune: MNGL Increases CNG Price Again, Fourth Hike in 2024

Pune MNGL CNG price hike December 2024
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Starting from 12:00 AM on Saturday, December 28, 2024, the Maharashtra Natural Gas Limited (MNGL) has announced its fourth CNG price hike of 2024, increasing the cost by ₹1.10 per kilogram.

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Effective December 28, 2024, the new retail price will be ₹89 per kg. This marks a total hike of ₹5.50 per kilogram this year.

According to MNGL’s press release on Saturday, the price adjustment is a result of global energy market fluctuations and rising costs of imported natural gas. Despite the increase, CNG continues to be a cost-effective fuel option, remaining over 40% cheaper than petrol and more than 20% cheaper than diesel.

To minimize the impact on customers, MNGL has absorbed a significant portion of the price rise. The revised price includes excise duty and state VAT and represents only 15% of the total cost hike, the company clarified.

The latest price hike reflects the growing challenges faced by the energy sector and highlights the importance of efficient energy usage amid global market pressures.