Meet the man who was swallowed alive by a whale but lives to tell the tale: Watch

In an extraordinary twist of fate, Adrián Simancas experienced what few could ever imagine—being swallowed alive by a massive humpback whale. While kayaking with his father, Dell, near Bahía El Águila in the Strait of Magellan, the duo faced a surreal moment when a giant whale engulfed Adrián and his bright yellow kayak for several heart-stopping seconds before releasing him unharmed.
Adrián vividly recalls the ordeal: “I felt like a wave struck me from behind. Suddenly, I saw flashes of blue and white and felt a slimy texture on my cheek before being pulled underwater.” In those fleeting moments, his mind raced with thoughts of survival, danger, and even memories as whimsical as Pinocchio and Geppetto. Despite the terror, the protective pull of his water vest eventually brought him back to the surface.
Dell, who was only meters away, managed to capture the shocking incident on video. His calm and reassuring calls during the chaos helped keep the situation from turning even more dire. The footage quickly went viral, leaving viewers around the world astonished by this rare encounter in the wild, unpredictable waters of Chilean Patagonia.
The Strait of Magellan, located roughly 1,600 miles south of Santiago, is notorious for its cold, choppy currents and brisk temperatures—even during summer. Although whale attacks on humans are extremely rare in these waters, increased incidents related to cargo ship collisions and strandings have raised concerns about the fragile balance between nature and human activity in this remote part of the world.
Adrián’s incredible story serves as a stark reminder of nature’s unpredictable power and the inherent risks of venturing into the untamed corners of our planet. His survival against such overwhelming odds leaves not only a thrilling tale of resilience but also a deeper respect for the mysteries of the natural world.