How to Grow Healthy and Bushy Money Plant Indoors: A Comprehensive Guide with FAQ

If you’re looking to bring the great outdoors inside and elevate your space’s aesthetic appeal, growing a money plant, also known as Devil’s Ivy or Pothos, is an excellent choice. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process and provide tips on how to grow a healthy and bushy money plant indoors.
Starting the Journey of Growing Money Plant Indoors
The task of growing money plants indoors is less daunting than it seems when divided into manageable steps. These steps include soil preparation, plant preparation, creating a watering schedule, managing lighting, providing nutrition, and performing regular pruning.
Soil Preparation: The Foundation
Contrary to popular belief, money plants will flourish in pots filled with soil, especially if you are aiming for robust foliage. Start with a pot of about 6 inches in diameter and prepare a mixture of soil and compost in a 70:30 ratio. Good drainage is vital, and using a gravel bed serves this purpose well.
Preparing Your Money Plant
Select a branch of a money plant that has a leaf bud and a couple of intact leaves. Fill your pot with gravel, place the branch in the center, and add the soil-compost mixture up to about 2 inches from the rim of the pot.
Watering: Less is More
Water your plant immediately after potting. However, avoid creating depressions in the soil. Only water the plant when the soil appears dry and ensure it isn’t waterlogged.
Lighting: Strike the Balance

Money plants thrive in high-intensity artificial white light for up to 16 hours a day. An LED lighting strip, situated about 8 inches from the top of the plant, will provide the necessary illumination without the damaging effects of UV radiation.
Nutrition: Feed Your Plant Right
Money plants require a light organic fertilizer, such as fish oil extract or seaweed extract. Start by applying this every fortnight, then reduce the frequency to once a month as the plant matures.
Pruning & Curling: Shape Your Plant

After your money plant has settled and started producing more leaves, curl it back to make a circle within the pot. Regular pruning of any new growth outside the pot’s circumference will encourage dense, upward foliage growth.
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FAQs on Growing a Healthy and Bushy Money Plant Indoors
Before we conclude, let’s answer some of the frequently asked questions about growing a healthy and bushy money plant indoors:
- How do you keep a money plant healthy indoors? Keeping a money plant healthy indoors involves proper watering (avoid waterlogging), providing sufficient lighting (preferably artificial white light), using organic fertilizer, and regularly checking for signs of disease or pests.
- How do you keep a money plant bushy? To keep your money plant bushy, prune any new growth that begins to extend beyond the pot’s circumference. This encourages the plant to grow thick, upward foliage.
- How can I make my money plant grow faster indoors? To make your money plant grow faster indoors, provide sufficient light (preferably artificial), keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and use organic fertilizer. Regular pruning will also stimulate faster growth.
- How do you grow a beautiful money plant? To grow a beautiful money plant, ensure it receives adequate lighting and nutrition, follow a regular watering schedule, and keep it in an environment with a stable temperature. Regular pruning helps maintain a bushy, compact shape.
- How to grow money plant faster? To grow a money plant faster, provide it with sufficient artificial light, keep the soil well-drained but moist, use organic fertilizer, and prune regularly to promote growth.
With these expert tips, you will find that growing a healthy and bushy money plant indoors is not just achievable but also a fun and rewarding experience. So why wait? Start your indoor gardening journey and don’t forget to name your new plant pet!