Forty thousand cusecs of water released from Khadakwasla dam in Pune

Incessant rains in the Pune since last night has resulted in a lot of water flowing into Khadakwasla dam project consisting of Panshet, Warasgaon, Temshar and Khadakwasla dams.
Khadakwasla dam being the last dam in this chain and also the smallest of the four, fills up very quickly, necessitating the release of water into Mutha river flowing through Pune.
At the start of the day, 35,574 cusecs of water were released into the Mutha River. The release was decreased to 15,000 cusecs later.
Water being released from Khadakwasla dam in Pune into Mutha river following heavy rains in #Pune #punecity #PuneRain #puneweather #PuneDamStorage #PuneHeavyRain #KhadakwaslaDam
— Punenow News (@itspunenow) July 25, 2024
The Executive Engineer of the Khadakwasla Irrigation Department, Shweta Kurhade, mentioned, “Because of the continuous heavy rainfall, we have modified the water release from the dam. The increase and decrease in water discharge will depend on rainfall conditions.”
Kurhade highlighted that the discharge rates could be altered further depending on the rainfall quantities and their timing. She stressed the need for immediate attention at certain locations in the city and recommended avoiding visits to these areas.
#खडकवासला धरणाच्या सांडव्यावरून मुठा नदी पात्रामध्ये सायंकाळी ६ वा. ४० हजार क्यूसेक करण्यात येणार आहे.. पावसाच्या प्रमाणानुसार व येव्यानूसार विसर्ग पुन्हा कमी किंवा जास्त करण्याची शक्यता. नागरिकांनी दक्षता बाळगावी- कार्यकारी अभियंता खडकवासला पाटबंधारे विभाग
“According to Kurhade, the Pune Municipal Corporation administration must stay alert and take necessary measures to handle the situation efficiently,” she emphasized. It is recommended that citizens stay updated on any additional information and refrain from traveling to areas that could be impacted.
The irrigation department informed that dam discharge would be at 40,000 cusecs at 6 PM today.