Chattushrungi Devi Temple to remain closed for a month for renovation

The Chattushrungi Devi Temple management has announced that the temple will remain closed to devotees from August 16 to September 16 for renovation work.
The Chattushrungi Devi Temple will be closed to devotees from August 16 to September 16 for essential renovation work. The temple management has requested cooperation from all devotees during this period.
The 90-foot-high and 125-foot-wide temple is managed by the Shri Devi Chattushringi Mandir Trust. According to the Trust’s website, the renovation will be done with great care to maintain the temple’s antiquity while also improving its structure. The project’s goals include making the approach stairs more convenient, expanding the Sabhamandap, and creating surrounding terraces and open spaces for devotees. The main Sabhamandap is being created to provide devotees with an immediate and compelling glimpse of the goddess the moment they arrive.
The Trust is also considering erecting escalators from the base of the hill to the main temple to make the site more accessible to differently abled and the elderly. The projected temple would be three stories tall, with the ancient Garbhagriha and Shikhar retained in their original condition.
The proposed modifications include a Dhyana Mandir (Meditation Hall) on the lower floor, which will provide a tranquil environment for devotees to meditate. The middle story will house temple priests, while the top floor will function as the primary Sabhamandap for worshippers.