CBSE Board Exams 2025: 75% Attendance Now Mandatory for Class 10 and 12 Students to Appear for Exams

Board Exams 2025
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The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has officially announced a 75% minimum attendance requirement for students appearing in the CBSE Board Exams 2025 for Classes 10 and 12. According to the latest guidelines, all affiliated schools have to follow the attendance policy strictly so that the students are eligible for the exams. This move again reflects the commitment of the board in maintaining the academic rigor, at the same time developing the students as a whole.

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Importance of Attendance for Overall Development

CBSE’s attendance policy traces its foundation to recognizing the critical role played by schools in students’ overall development. Schools also provide an academic platform for growth on social, emotional, and character grounds through extracurricular activities, peer interaction, and inclusive practices beyond the needs of academic learning. “Regular attendance is important not only to fulfill the demands of the examination but also to bring up a responsible and well-balanced individual,” declares the Board.

Attendance Requirement Compliance

CBSE has directed the schools to adopt the following measures in line with the 75% attendance norm. To comply with the 75% attendance rule, CBSE has directed schools to implement the following measures:

Informing Students and Parents: At the commencement of the session, students and their parents must be duly informed about the requirement of attendance. The consequences of not reaching the threshold must also be explained to them.
Leave Procedures: When there is a medical condition, serious illness or other similar condition, applications with valid supporting documents for leave must be submitted. Schools should demand such documentation as soon as possible and ensure that all records are updated.
Communication with Parents: Schools should advise parents before reaching the attendance threshold that their children are close to falling below the threshold and hence at risk of missing sitting for the board exams. The schools should notify the parents that failure to meet the requirement on attendance may lead to the exclusion of students from sitting for the board exams.

Monitoring and Inspections

The CBSE will ensure the compliance of this policy through surprise inspection to the schools. Attendance records should be made available during such inspections, and daily registers should be signed by class teachers and school authorities. If records reveal abnormalities, or a student is absent without leave for several days without any note, the Board may impose harsher penalties on schools in form of disaffiliation as well. Students failing to meet the attendance standards will not able to take their board examinations if attendance criteria are not met.

Standard Operating Procedures for Attendance Shortages

Under circumstances where the students are unable to achieve the requirement of 75% attendance, the CBSE has devised some specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for such cases:
Communication of Importance: Schools are strongly advised to keep communicating the importance of attendance all year round.
Sensitization to Rules: Schools should sensitize the children and their parents about the rules of attendance along with the formal procedures to condone absences due to valid reasons.
Documentation Collection: In cases of medical emergencies and other grave incidents, schools must collect and report such documentation relevant to the incident that might include evidence in the form of a medical certificate.
Notice or Warning and Notification: In that scenario, schools should give notice to the students and parents if the attendance problems persist, and they should document all correspondence.
Submission of Cases: Schools shall submit cases of students whose attendance is less than the prescribed percentage to the concerned CBSE Regional Office along with other documents by the date due for submission. The records once submitted, shall not be changed, and cases shall be dealt under the guidelines for CBSE.

Download the copy of CBSE Circular Regarding Attendance:

What to Do in Case of Attendance Shortage

For students with attendance below the required percentage, the following steps should be taken:

Submission of Documents: Parents need to submit the application in the prescribed format along with supporting documents that may include medical certificates explaining the reason for absence.
School Recommendation: The school will thereafter consider the case and will then recommend it for condonation under the guidelines of CBSE
Submission Before Deadline: Schools must forward these cases to the regional CBSE office ahead of the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted; therefore, there is a need to make an early effort regarding getting the student eligible to sit in exams.

The CBSE Board Exams 2025’s revised attendance policy by CBSE Board is a reminder value of regular attendance in promoting the academic, social, and personal growth of students, equipping them with skills for future success.