AAI completes OLS survey at Pune airport to accommodate bigger passenger aircraft

OLS survey at Pune airport
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According to the information shared by the Airport Authority of India (AAI) Pune, the obstacles limitation surface (OLS) survey of Pune Airport has been completed, and a report has been submitted to the chairman of the AAI by a special team from Delhi which had come to Pune for the purpose.

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The obstacles limitation surfaces (OLS) survey is conducted whenever any changes to runway (like its extension) are to be done. In the case of Pune airport, this survey was conducted as part of the runway extension process that has been started to accommodate large wide-bodied aircraft for international flights.

The survey, which began on July 8 is now completed and the report has been submitted to higher authorities of Airport Authority of India (AAI).

Hindustan Times quoted an anonymous AAI officer saying, “This is called the OLS (obstacles limitation surface) survey. It became clear that there was no obstacle in the ‘landing’ of the plane on the runway. So, the flight path for ‘landing’ was reported as correct.”

“Obstacles near the ‘landing point’ of the runway are the most important scope. For this, a team of the AAI from Delhi conducted the survey. During a period of 10 days, high buildings, trees etc. were inspected in the surrounding area along with the ‘take off’ point and ‘landing point’. A drawing was also attached to the report. The report will further be submitted to the ministry of civil aviation. After that, a decision will be taken regarding the extension of the runway,” he said.

Pune Airport director Santosh Dhoke said, “The ‘OLS’ survey for the runway at Pune Airport has been completed. The team from Delhi completed the survey in 10 days. This report has been submitted to the superiors.”

Currently, the length of the Pune Airport runway is 2,535 metres (8,316 feet) while the width is 45 metres. Five hundred metres of space is required on the eastern side of the runway, and 300 metres on the western side. If the runway is extended by about 800 metres, the total length will be about 10,940 feet. If the length of the runway is within 11,000 feet, even big planes can land at Pune Airport. For this, an expenditure of around ₹160 crores is expected for acquisition of the site.