Home / World / Viral Video Shows US Law Enforcement Brutally Beating Up Peaceful Protestors, Including Women

Viral Video Shows US Law Enforcement Brutally Beating Up Peaceful Protestors, Including Women

Human rights violations in the US

A male police officer in the US pins down a woman during a protest.

The US is always quick to preach India and other countries about upholding human rights and respect the rule of law.

Apparently they have two different strategies for managing peaceful protests. One that they preach and the other that they practice at home!

Whenever law enforcement agencies are taking any action in developing countries, they are quick to make a statement, “the US is monitoring the situation closely and we urge the government of India to respect human rights and uphold the rule of law.”

In this video captured by CNN, the US is showing the world what they mean by respecting human rights and upholding the rule of law.

Male police officers are seen wrestling a woman protestor to ground and then two of them nail her to ground before she is handcuffed. Very brave men the US has!

When this video circulated on the internet, many users were quick to write, “India is monitoring the situation closely, we urge the US Government to uphold human rights and the rule of law”.

Its time to have uniform expectations across the world and the US had better stopped preaching and save that effort to uphold human rights and the rule of law in their own country!

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