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Snake eggs found at a construction site in Navi Mumbai

Snake eggs in Ulve Navi Mumbai

81 snake eggs were successfully rescued by a snake charmer in Ulve, Navi Mumbai.

Navi Mumbai – As many as 81 snake eggs were found at a construction site in Ulve, Navi Mumbai. A snake charmer successfully rescued the eggs and released the snakes into the wild after hatching the eggs.

While working at the site, the constructions workers spotted a Dhaman snake, a non venomous species of snake in the nearby yard.

The snake quickly went away due to commotion at the site. However, to be sure, the workers called a snake charmer to investigate. The snake charmer, Akshay Dange, upon careful examination of the site found 81 eggs of the snake nearby.

The condition of the eggs was very fragile. So he carefully collected those eggs and placed them in boxes filled with cocopeat (cakes made of coconut husks). Dange made a small hole in the box to let oxygen in. Dange then maintained the temperature at 30 degrees Celsius for 24 days. All the eggs hatched successfully due to this careful incubation process.

These baby snakes were released in a safe habitat near a creek in the forest. Akshay appealed to people not to kill snakes whenever they are spotted. Ruthless killing of snakes may disturb the ecological balance of the environment as they are an important part of the food chain. While prioritizing one’s own safety, always seek professional help if such a situation occurs.

The snake charmer said that there are over two thousand species of snakes in the world and out of them 340 are found in India. Only 69 snake species found in India are poisonous.

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